
At home

Now that you are home from the hospital, we want to make sure that you feel as relaxed and confident as possible about your antibiotic infusions. Use the step-by-step guides below to learn about your therapy and how to self-administer your antibiotic infusions. If you have any questions about your home infusion, reach out to your OPAT team for guidance. 

patient infusions

How to self-administer infusions at home

Learn how to use your infusion kit correctly to manage your own treatment and enjoy the flexibility of being at home.

How to wash your hands

How to wash your hands

Learn to wash your hands effectively to reduce the risk of infection. Learn more about the Aseptic Non-Touch Technique (ANTT) and download our helpful guide.

watch videos

Watch how to self-administer antibiotic infusion devices at home

Step-by-step video guides will guide you through the process of administering your infusion.



Browse helpful answers to a range of commonly asked patient questions about infusions.