IV antimicrobial therapy uses up the valuable time of HCPs

Around 500,000 patients have IV antimicrobial therapy administered in UK hospitals each year5,6
When administering IV antimicrobial therapy in hospitals, HCPs spend a lot of time disconnecting and reconnecting IV lines, and compounding medicines1,7.
This places an even greater burden on valuable HCP resource, which is already stretched8.
Referring patients onto OPAT would allow HCPs to…
The use of the elastomeric devices has enabled us to accommodate
patients on to our service who would previously have had to remain as
in-patients for weeks on end, as they required either a TDS or QDS
regime. This has been particularly important during the current
pandemic, with patients being unable to have visitors and also at a
greater risk of catching the virus, not only affecting their physical
health but their mental health, too.
OPAT Nurse, from Royal Stoke